JK Randle Museum In The Hands Of a Caveman


By Duke of Shomolu

I have just watched a video where somebody resisted the Hon. Commissioner for Arts, Culture and Tourism at the JK Randle Museum.

While the matter is still unfolding, let me quickly say something.

The JK Randle Museum located at the Onikan intersection of Lagos Island has been announced by international media as one of the must see places to be visited in the world for 2025.

It was built by renowned architects on behalf of the Lagos State Government and has within its bowels some very rare and priceless artefacts.

At its opening, I went and walked around the edifice and marvelled at its beautiful ambience.

But even at that, I was quite worried as to the capacity and qualifications of the man that was said to have been appointed by the State Government to run the place.

His antecedents didn’t give me any confidence that he understands what was expected of him, viz this historic assignment.

The carnage he fostered at the historic Glover Hall at Tinubu Square was still fresh in our minds.

So seeing him prance in his kembe that night looking lost within the giant edifice only served to heighten my apprehensions.

Today, my worst fears have crystalized.

I have learnt that on a working visit to the monument by the hardworking Commissioner Mrs Toke Benson-Awoyinka, it was discovered that this person had sublet a portion of the edifice to his wife to run a canteen.

I have seen pictures of mundane items like deep freezers, pots and pans and other such paraphernalia used in such bukas littering the multi-billion naira edifice.

I have also learnt that this person had also sublet other parts of the edifice for fees which he has collected privately.

Sadly, he is a non state actor but a mere appointee, appointed to oversee the edifice on behalf of the Government and by extension the people of Lagos State, but turned around to convert significant portions of the structure into a money making venture for himself.

That space was initially offered an international QSR for $150,000 but I learnt that this person sublets government property at N600, 000 without recourse to authority and with the funds not going anywhere near Alausa.

During the said inspection, the Honourable Commissioner discovered these anomalies and decided to take action which was resisted very boldly as could be seen in the videos that have gone viral.

The wrong narrative has been spurned by those who understand how to spin self-serving narratives and the actual happenings may have been blurred, thereby giving the public an opaque view of what transpired.

I have seen more robust images, pictures and have received official explanations on what transpired and I must say that I remain in shock as to the audacity of this young man.

He not only was said to have resisted authority but has been alleged to have involved non state actors who now assaulted Government officials who were in the process of carrying out their legitimate duties.

I have learnt that an investigation into the matter is ongoing with a view to getting to the bottom of the matter

But let me say something while we await that report.

The Lagos State Government cannot run away from blame on this matter.

The JK Randle Museum is a multi-billion naira centre dedicated to the curating and studying of the Yoruba culture amongst others.

I know for a fact that it is a highly driven edifice with the best of technology deployed to ensure that it justifies its rating as a global centre of excellence, almost at par with the British Museum.

It has in its collections some of the rarest artefacts worth millions of naira. Artefacts that cannot be trifled with.

Now appointing this kind of person out of a sea of well qualified people beats my imagination.

It is no wonder that the Centre did not play any significant role in the last visitations, festivities where it was reported that over one million tourists entered Lagos.

One cannot be surprised when the Centre Director was busy running his wife’s canteen instead of positioning the Museum as a main destination for visitation during the festivities.

This is a wake up call for the Lagos State Government to take this establishment with the seriousness it deserves by getting well tested hands to run the place instead of this caveman who seems not to even know his left from his right.

If the Government in themselves are confused as to what to do with it, then it can hand it over to an international body who could run it on their behalf along with globally accepted standards.

The JK Randle Museum has the full potential of turning into an international hub as we continue to see interest from as far afield as Cuba, Brazil and other Caribbean centres on the Museum.

It’s not too late to kick this caveman out, he can go run his canteen at Ebute Ero while we salvage what is left of this beautiful ode to our collective heritage.
Come and beat me

–The Duke of Shomolu writes from Lagos

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